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Fishing for Fun with "F"

          Emergent Literacy Design

Rationale: This lesson will help students become familiar with the /f/ sound. After the lesson, children will be able to identify the /f/ sound in spoken and written words. We will go through several examples of words that include the letter f in order for students to become familiar with the letter and the sound /f/. The last thing that we will do is follow up with a worksheet that includes words with the /f/ sound so the children will be able to master the letter f.

Materials: Flash cards

                 Images that begin with f

                 Lined paper


                 Worksheet for the letter f




1.      To kick of the lesson, I will provide 10 flash cards. 5 that begin with the letter f, and 5 that include the letter f. Examples of these words include: fish, fun, fire, flower, flat, stuff, craft, raft, off, wolf. Children will be shown these words and be asked to identify them. The words that they get correct will be put into a pile and the words that they struggle with will be put into another pile. We will go over the missed words until they are understood.

2.      Next, we will look at images that include the /f/ sound, such as the words that were on the flashcards and the word will be below it. This serves as an important purpose to help a child associate a picture with the written words.

3.      Students will test their writing skills by writing out the words that we went over on the flashcards. I will test the children by speaking the word and asking them to write it down to the best of their abilities. This will test their spelling and writing skills.

4.      To follow up on all of the exercises previously conducted, students will be given a worksheet that has images that represent words that have the letter f in them.




The Flying Fox by Sarah Kathryn Richardson -


Various worksheets -

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